First Episode of Artemente! Una Conversación con Gokula 

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About Gokula // Acerca de Gokula

For our first episode of Artemente, we talk with Gokula Nanda Das or simply, Gokula, a Colombian-Bolivian singer-songwriter who is releasing “Alma,” his first album as a solo artist on June 1, 2019.

Growing up in a family of musicians, he started singing and playing instruments from a young age and now writes all of his own songs. Gokula is working to have a positive influence on the city he now calls home, Medellín, by spreading a message of reconciliation, self-reflection and love for nature and all living things. He has one of the most compelling voices I’ve heard in a while. He is someone to pay attention to. 

En este primer episodio, hablamos con Gokula Nanda Das, o Gokula, un cantautor colombo boliviano que va a lanzar su primer disco como solista este 1 de junio 2019.

Creció en una familia musical y empezó a cantar y tocar instrumentos desde joven. Ahora compone sus propias canciones, y con ellas, está trabajando para influenciar positivamente la cuidad de Medellín a través de su mensaje de reconciliación, auto-reflexión y amor para la naturaleza y todos los seres vivos. Tiene una de la voces mas llamativas que he escuchado en mucho tiempo; es alguien a quien le debemos prestar atención.

The Interview // La Entrevista

In the interview, Gokula shares three songs from his album “Alma.” We also discuss the meaning of his name which comes from Sanskrit and how he views the connection of his name and his purpose. We also talk about his influences, from rock, to Indian music for meditation, to Andean folk music and the importance of family in his life decisions and beliefs. He also shares a few stories, like how the song “Shanti Om Shanti” came into being, and last, he tells us about his up-coming release and concert. 

En la entrevista, Gokula comparte tres temas de su disco “Alma.” También, hablamos del significado de su nombre, que viene de sánscirto, y como Gokula entiende la conexión de su nombre y su propósito. Nos cuenta de sus influencias, desde el rock, música de la India, hasta el folclor andino, y de la influencia de su familia en su vida. Además, nos cuenta unas historias, como la historia de la canción “Shanti OM Shanti,” y finalmente habla de su nuevo disco y el concierto de lanzamiento, el primer día de junio a las 7pm en Medellín.

Este episodio es hablado en español.

This podcast is in Spanish, but if you don’t understand Spanish, you can still support Gokula by listening to his live performance in the podcast and by following him online.

Follow Gokula // Sigue a Gokula

Following the release concert, “Alma” will be available on digital platforms. Follow Gokula for more information.

Gokula's Facebook Page

Gokula's Instagram

Radio Chakaruna & Gokula